Friday, April 29, 2011

Mickey and Minnie Celebrate Easter

For the Easter holiday Mickey and Minnie brought their "spring" outfits onto the ship. Also the White Rabbit made an appearance for the Easter cruise. I made friends with Minnie in these photos.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dance Byte with Lilo and Stitch

Here are some photos from another dance byte in the atrium. This dance party usually takes place every sea day, which is wednesday. I made friends with Stitch in these photos.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Project Gangway: Challenge 1

It is hard to come up with new things to do on the ship and it can get boring or monotonous for us. So one of my fellow cast members, Casey came up with the idea to have a contest similar to Project Runway. The show is about people who want to become designers and are faced with different challenges each episode. We call our version "Project Gangway". People from our cast volunteered to be designers and models, they were then paired up. The photos here were from the first challenge. The challenge was to create any design using only paper and/or plastic, and they were only allowed to use tape. The girl in the third photo was the winner, her designer was Chris.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Belle's Story Time

In the children's club Belle has a story time program. She is dressed in her blue dress and tells the story of "Beauty and the Beast". My roommate Emma makes friends with Belle. I went to support her and play photographer.