Tuesday, September 24, 2013


These are the character's Italian outfits!

 I made friends with Daisy Duck in the photos above
 Donald is dressed as a Gondolier, which is a person who drives the Gondola boat that they are famous for in Venice, Italy 

 I made friends with Mickey in the photo above. 
Below I am greeting the Chipmunks
 Below is the always comical Goofy, strolling around on Deck 9


Here, a qui, are the character's Spanish outfits!
In the above photo is Donald in his special outfit for his dance party called Saludos Amigos that is held in the family lounge. I made friends with Donald in this photo

In the longer cruises we were able to have more meet and greets with the couples. I made friends with Minnie in the photos above, Daisy in the photo  directly below, and Mickey in the two bottom photos 


Here are photos of the characters in their french costumes!

 I made friends with Minnie in the above photos

I made friends with Minnie in the photo above and below

Donald and Daisy were dressed as clown street performers. Donald was not happy about it! Daisy loved her outfit because she played a ballerina clown street performer. I made friends with Daisy in the photos below

 I made friends with Mickey in the photos below. He is dressed as a Mime performer